Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What the %*@&! is the "Forever War"?

Since I've chosen to fit these beasties into the framework of my graphic novel, Terran Sandz, it occured to me that some background might be helpful, especially regarding the numerously mentioned "Forever War".

Here is part of the introduction on the inside front cover of the graphic novel.  Hopefully, it'll spread some light on the universe within which all this takes place.

If you have any questions, ask away.

The spark that began the Forever War had long faded into antiquity.  the Terrec'Qek Empire and the Breed were the warring factions, and even they had forgotten the origins of their seething hatreds.

Each side "recruited" new fodder for their war machines by indoctrinating the inhabitants of newly discovered worlds.  if the newly-recruited were battle-ready, they were shipped to the front lines.  were they viewed as deficient at making war, the recruits were sent to special planets where they were retrofitted, via forced mutation and involuntary surgical enhancements, into fierce warriors.

The forever war was a fact of life to the millions of involved worlds.  no one anticipated an end to the stalemate.

Then the Terrec'Qek Empire chanced upon the earth, which had been a paradise of peace and harmony for over 200 years.  thus the Terran Warriors, as the earth's inhabitants became known, were recruited into the war without end.

In just one hundred years, however, the terran warriors single-handedly ended the forever war.  the Breed and all who supported them were annihilated.  so ferocious and deadly were the terrans that all fled at the very mention of their arrival.

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